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Monday, November 4, 2019

Post 7: My pop artist

As construction of my artist's persona began, I knew I wanted him to be a very relaxed, relatable and chilled out person. This was based around the main theme of my video, laziness, and I wanted him to fulfil the dream that many people have when going through a bad or boring time of their lives.

From here I planned what I would where during the video, creating this mood board to help me visualise what I wanted.

When creating this, I researched some real life examples to help inspire me in the character design. My main inspirations were Marss, Troye Sivan and Justin Timberlake.

Image result for marss
Marss is not a musician but rather an eSports player. The relevance? Two things.
1. I was greatly inspired by something he is known for, he has a very relaxed mindset; so much so that he goes to tournaments in pyjamas for ultimate comfort.

2. He has a friendly online personality, often talking to fans through social media, and posting random photos from behind the scenes of big events.  This is something I wanted to try and imitate when creating my social medias.

Image result for troye sivanTroye Sivan is an Australian YouTube star turned singer and is a more conventional show of how pop singers are represented. Pop stars are typically represented as attractive charming personalities who are made to be the perfect friend or partner. They will usually present themselves as relatable, portraying themselves as human and considerate to their fans.

This can be shown through Toye's social media; Instagram, for example, has a blend of professional looking photos as well as random photos from his real life which creates an overall journal look to his page. This gratifies the audience through self-identification as they may feel special getting an exclusive look into his real life.

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