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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Continuity Task 2 Evaluation

1. What was your role in the task and what did you actually do?
I helped film the scene, act in the scene in some shots and i also did some of the editing.

2. As a group, what factors did you take into account when planning(a), filming(b) and editing(c)?
     a)When planning, we created a storyboard that helped illustrate our ideas to the others. We planned our scene whilst in the setting we were filming in, so we were able to plan our shots accordingly, finding out which shots were best suited for the environment. Since we had a very tight time constraint, the script was made up very quickly, but was given a couple small fixes as we were filming
     b)When filming, our idea was to film the main part of the scene from 3 angles, a master shot and the 2 OTS shots, as well as film the extra shots such as the introductory shot and shots including the extra student who comes and asks the 2 main characters a question.
     c)Having filmed our scene from the 3 main angles, we had a lot of flexibility with editing as we had plenty of footage. Because of this, we were able to make the scene flow as smoothly as possible and have very tight edits.

3. How successful was your sequence? Did you fulfill the demands of the brief? Did you manage to demonstrate match-on-action, shot-reverse-shot, and 180-degree rule? Did you achieve continuity overall?(WWW/EBI)
I am very happy with the final sequence and I believe that we fulfilled the demands of the brief. We were able to successfully demonstrate the match-on-action in the beginning few shots, the shot-reverse-shot during the main conversation all whilst keeping within the 180 degree rule. Overall, we nearly achieved continuity; however, between shots 4 and 5, Kush (the actor on the left) turns his body from facing the table to facing Cathy (the actor on the right) and this jump disrupts the continuity of the sequence.

4. What have you learnt from completing this task? How might this learning impact on future video production work?
I have learnt to be attentive to all details within a sequence such as body language and even eye contact. This will help me in my future coursework as the extra attention to detail will give the whole sequence a much more professional look.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Bolt UK Disney Trailer Analysis

Bolt is a 2008 Disney film about a canine superstar named 'Bolt', a star of his own action adventure TV show. His days are filled with danger and intrigue, until one day, when he becomes lost and travels outside the set o the TV show. But Bolt doesn't know that he's on a TV show; he thinks his amazing powers are real. When Bolt is accidentally shipped from his Hollywood soundstage to the mean streets of New York, he begins his adventure: Armed only with his delusions and accompanied by a cat and a hamster, he sets out to to find his way home, and find his owner, Penny.

The trailer starts with the disney inter-title. This sets the audience expectation very high as Disney have a reputation to produce very well known and successful films such as The Incredibles and Snow White and the seven dwarves. The following shots help set-up the premise of the story. Things such as the transitions, a TV flicker between cuts, and the background narration help set up the premise of the core story. The non-diegetic sounds such as the music help increase the 'epic' nature of Bolt's actions, and this is a part of Disney's 4-part marketing plan. Kids are one of the main audiences for Disney, and these superhero-like actions help the film appeal to this audience. The next shots also show the 'behind the scenes' part of Bolt's TV show. This helps set up the story as well as appeal to the tech-savy side of Disney's audience.

The disruption is talked about in the narration, but is aldo clearly denoted in the shots soon after when Bolt sprints out of an office, his face panic stricken. The background voice also has a lot of panic and worry in it. This unease helps emphasise the crux of Bolt's problem helping to push the story forward. Furthermore this problem may be relatable for some audience members, so they may be more able to relate to the problem, therefore adding appeal for them. These shots are followed by the introduction of another character, the cat, and a comedic moment between them. The cat is an excellent representation of the opposites to Bolt, portrayed through physical being as well as through character and some hobbies(later discovered in the movie). The camera angles in this scene also help emphasise Bolts vulnerability, a low angle for the cat's shots to show her dominance, and high angle shots on Bolt, to connote the fact that the cat is looking down on him, in a sort of patronising manner. Bolt is also portrayed as a helpless kid in these shots forward which heavily contrast the more in control Bolt seen previously, and this helps excentuate one of Bolt's problems that contributes in the story.

The hamster seen in the beginning of the trailer is seen once again soon after the previous shots, and links the starting shots to the significance of the story.