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Monday, November 4, 2019

Post 2. The role of the internet in the music industry

I researched the role of the internet in the music industry as this will allow me to effectively use the internet and all it has to offer for my own project so that I can create a fully converged and synergised brand identity by using the genre conventions I have found.

First, what parts of the internet do artists utilise?
  • Social Media to interact with fans and promote products
    • egs:
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Snapchat
  • Music streaming
  • Youtube and Vevo for music videos
  • Website for all of the above available on one site

 Image result for music streaming popularity time

Streaming has been gaining lots of popularity recently because of the recent digital revolution. Companies such as Apple Music and Spotify have gained millions of followers in recent years, overtaking the sales of distributing hard copies of music through CDs and Vinyls.

The proliferation of the number of people using social medias has also lead to wider use of an online presence for music artists and the music industry in general.

Here is an example; these are the social media accounts for Daft Punk

The difference in the use of twitter and instagram show the main opportunities created when using social medias to promote your business. Daft Punk's instagram account is solely used to promote their brand and merchandise heavily. It is almost used as a reminder for when new merchandise is released as pictures of new posters and album art are released weekly.

Twitter, on the other hand, is mainly used for audience interaction. Twitter is known for its 280 character limit on each tweet you can make, and so it encourages users to converse with one another. Daft Punk have used this account to ask the audience questions, comment and retweet fan art and comments, as well as promote upcoming tours, singles and merch.
One creative way they promoted their "rock n roll" tour before it's initial announcement was by releasing an image of the coordinates of the venues they were visiting disguising them as a transcript and not giving any clue as to what the numbers meant. This was engaging for the audience as they got to actively find out the hidden meaning behind the photo and gain a secret

Cross-platform synergy is used by most artists to create a unified look across all media platforms so audiences can recognise the artist or band with ease.

As an example, Ed Sheeran has an online presence on his website, Facebook and Instagram pages. With his recent promotion his recent album,  he keeps Colour schemes, fonts and images and kept consistent on all platforms.

Each platform also links to other platforms through their bios or posts in order to create digital convergence. Most of the links are to the website which allows it to act like a central hub which makes it easier for the users to access other content and products, thereby increasing sales.

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