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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Continuity Task 1 Evaluation

The in cut camera clip:

1. Explain the story of your video
     A student is doing their homework. Another student realises that he may be late to class and makes his way to his class. On the way, he notices the first student, and reminds him of the time. This student panics, shoves everything into his bag and starts to run to class. But as he starts to run, he trips over a curb and hurts himself.

2. How did you attempt to create 'Narrative Flow' (continuity)?

  • The same costumes were used throughout
  • The main story was kept as clear as possible and linear in chronological order
3. Did you achieve full continuity? If not, why not?
     I believe we did as the main key elements of the story were conveyed. However, we could've done a few things to help the audience understand the full scenario and scene as explained in the next question.

4. In hindsight, what would you do differently to improve the narrative flow of your video and tell your story more effectively?

     In order of shots:

  1. Wider shot as the framing makes everything feel a bit cluttered and busy.
  2. No sense of placement in relation to first shot. If it were a cross cut, we would need more shots. Shot is too long. If this student is late to class, he would be running not walking.
  3. Too much empty space on right hand side as there is no reason for it.
  4. 30 degree rule broken, jump cut feel.
  5. Continuity error with objects on table.
  6. Tighter cuts needed to portray action feel.

Here is a slightly edited version of the clip too:

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